Inga-Lisa, 92 in Borås: "Stop complaining about the heat"


The hot summer can affect a negative. Ingela Mossberg, head of the unit at the Ekekullen retirement home, warns that many older people forget to drink because they do not feel the same thirst as a young person, this which was also talked about by SVT West.

– They are also very affected According to Ingela Mossberg, the heart is older and it is harder to pump blood and many eat liquid-inducing drugs, says Ingela Mossberg

Inga-Lisa, 92, feeds heat

-Lisa Troye, 92.

– Yes, I think everyone should be it. It's summer!

READ MORE The body gets used to the heat after two weeks

The hot days when she lives at home in the retirement home

] – I went out a lot, I would like to be when it's sunny and sunny. I like reading and reading in the sun.

Many people like to plunge into the plume in summer.


"Drink water!"

Now she is tired of all the complaints about the weather. 19659002] – I think you should stop complaining. But there are still a lot of complaints about prolonged heat. It is clear that the best is the best, but that the fall will be soon.

However, something that worries him is the current wildfires in the country

– it's very terrible. But I think it will be over soon and everything will be settled, "she says.

READ: Home service stopped – because of heat

What do you think you can do if you suffer from heat?

– Drink water! This is the most important thing, but easy to forget.

Something like Ingela Mossberg's chief of unity is in agreement.

– It is important for the elderly and the staff to drink a lot. We have several jars that drink in the days that are constantly filled, she says and adds:

– But here the elderly have not been so affected by the heat that has been read in many of them. other places. We recently exchanged the traffic system and many residents are happy to sit on the patio and enjoy the sun hat.

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