Interview: David Luiz – Chelsea FC – Premier League


Chelsea played two pre-season games, and David Luiz played both. During the time of Contes, Chelsea usually played with three central midfielders, but Sarri's first two games as a coach meant that Luiz, along with Ethan Ampadu, the 17-year-old goalkeeper, formed the middle of the game .
The Brazilian defender who still has problems with his knee since the brutal tackle of Manchester City's Agueros at a December 2016 meeting feels good for the season.

"We still have to work hard, especially during the season when we are laying the groundwork for the upcoming season, so we are still trying to do our best, last season, I had a lot of time to take care of me.

David Luiz loves the philosophy newly introduced by Maurizio Sarri to the club

"I adore Sarri's football philosophy, I play with a ball possession in a technical perspective, he (Sarri ) helps us every day To learn his philosophy to help Chelsea "

On the question of his role in the plan changed with the change of manager, the Brazilian replied:

" No, play from the back line and try to help my teammates. "There are a lot of players in the team who have the habit of playing with four, three and five there but Sarri determines how to set up"

r training, two wins. Chelsea played fun and beautiful football, especially at the start of both games. During the short time that Sarri coached at Chelsea, it is obvious that his influence on the team has materialized as we try to be the teammate and move the ball quickly. David Luiz says that everyone is working hard to make sure that requests made to the Sarri team are met quickly.

"We work hard every day with two workouts a day to learn quickly, we have to work hard every day."

"It takes time, it's a whole new philosophy that we try to learn and that depends on us and that we are dedicated every day, do well at the training and especially at the beginning "

" That's both "[19459007Luizansweredthequestionofwhetheritisthephysicalortechnicalaspectthatismostimportantduringthepre-season "That's why we work every day, physically, tactically and technically, in football. "It's a challenge for everyone, it's good that we have a lot of incredible players and not just 11. We have a lot of players who can challenge the game. It's a positive challenge for all of us "

Chelseas Last Legend Jorginho played in a deep midfielder role just ahead of David Luiz and the defender is very pleased with the qualifications that the new acquisition took with Cobham.

"He is a great player and I am very happy to play with him.He is first class"

"He still wants the ball, he is always in a good surface and he forms lines to play the game. He already knows how Sarri wants to play and I'm glad to have players from Jorginho.The team "

David Luiz formed the pair of middle sacks during the first two training matches, and he commemorates the 17-year-old. "

" He's a fantastic boy, a fantastic player who is very humble. He is down to earth and tries to learn every day. He is 17, 18 years old, but for me, he is already ready to play high level football. "

" It's also great for me to have the chance to play with such a young player. very good. I've played with different players around the world, different ages at different stages of their lives and it's always good to play with someone like Ampadu. "

Finally, Luiz asks if he can teach Ampadu a lot.

" I'm trying to teach him things that I've already covered during my career. I try to help him the best because he deserves the best. "

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