Intimate gray question to Peg: "Knife between the toes"


Saturday's section of the "Summer Cruise" featured both music and intimate questions from program director Gry Forssell. After the performance of the artist Peg Parnevik with the successful "Loafers", Gry Forssell shocked the unexpected problem.

The programmer first asked Peg Parnevik where she intended to spend the most time in the summer.

– I think I spend the most time in the United States. but I'm pretty much now. I have a Swede here, so you have to be in Sweden, says Parnevik.

READ MORE: Criticism Against Peg – After Behavior Against Love

Unexpected Question

Gry Forssell Talks to the Artist That the Swedes are so obsessed with weather and coffee.

– Yes, especially when it's hot, but there's no American word for coffee, says Peg Parnevik.

Then she asks the unexpected question

"Before you speak, did you tattoo a knife between the tips, and why?" Asks Gry Forssell.

– Forgive Grandpa, but I found that it was nice. When I tattooed it, I thought I would "cut off all the bad people in my life". Then it became a small knife, says Peg Parnevik.

Gray lame dragon

Before the performance, Gry Forssell was recovered with Mia Parnevik, for the way that Jesper Parnevik behaved during the "Summer Cross" of last year, when Peg Parnevik was also on stage.

Pappa Parnevik filmed the appearance of the entire girl with a camcorder, captured by television cameras. For this reason, Gry Forssell held a big camera lens in the show.

READ MORE: Gray lame dragon against Parnevik – live

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