Is China recording a scary mass surveillance? It seems so


Imagine everything that you digitally traced. Imagine that you scored when you did something that pleased the state and fewer points when you did something undesirable. And that these points could determine your future, in terms of career, your ability to get a mortgage or to book a train ticket for some cities.

Such a system is becoming a reality in the communist dictatorship in China, writes SvD.

"China is developing one of the most complex intelligence systems in the world, in which biographical data such as facial recognition or fingerprints can be associated with metadata about your individual choices and behaviors." , writes the newspaper.

For example, good behavior may include going out with friends who are supportive of the diet and living in good health. The opposite can be guessed.

According to SvD, the "social rating system" has already been introduced as a pilot project in several major cities in China. The newspaper said the Chinese government has announced that the system should be used for the 1.4 billion citizens in the country by 2020.

"The social scoring system is only one of the countless mechanisms used today by the Chinese intelligence services," SvD Maya Wang, Human Rights Watch intelligence researcher for China, told IRIN. .

Surveillance should be based on a combination of artificial intelligence and large amounts of biometric data collected by the Chinese authorities, for example by means of health surveys.

"In Xinjiang Province, all residents aged 12 to 64 are familiar with the system more or less involuntarily, it is a big job on the part of the authorities," said Maya Wang at SvD.

She said China was unique because other dictatorships did not have the financial means to launch such advanced surveillance technology.

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