"Is here to end the history of Juventus"


Cristiano Ronaldo left Real Madrid for Juventus
Today, he held a press conference with his new club in Turin.
– I am here to end the history of Juventus, he says.

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo recently left Real Madrid for Juventus and played in Serie A, Italy. Today, he landed in Turin, arrived at Juventus Stadium and held a press conference Monday night with his new club. Then he told me more about his decision to sign Juventus.

– Juventus is one of the biggest clubs in the world. It was a very thoughtful decision, but it was an easy decision to join the best club in Italy and a very important step in my career. Juventus has a very good coach and a very good president who has the habit of winning. It was an easy decision to come here, he said at the press conference.

– It's a big challenge in my career. Some players of my age choose to go elsewhere, which I also respect. It makes me happy to play for such a big club during this part of my career. I am very grateful to Juventus for this opportunity, "he continues.

He is also looking forward to making his first season in Series A.

– I love the challenges and I know it will be It's a very tactical league, but I like challenging challenges and I do not just like to sit and look back on my success.I want to work hard for even more.

– I am here to end the history of Juventus I am very satisfied with this challenge, he continues

Ronaldo will start training with Juventus on June 30 and will tell him that he is ready to play in the first round of Serie A.

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