Island of East Island disappeared after Hurricane Walaka


The island of East Island disappeared from the map when Hurricane Walaka swept the area in early October, writes

The hurricane is the second most powerful that has hit the area in the modern times.

The island of about 800 m long and 120 m wide was an important area for several endangered species in Hawaii. As munksälen and several species of birds.

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Increasing the surface of the water is a threat to the East Island Island

The island was also of great importance to the Hawaiian green sea seal: nearly half of Hawaii's stocks lay their eggs there.

"It will be years before we are fully aware of the effects of the animal species that have made their home here," said Charles Littnan, head of the protected animal species department at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at Huffington Post.

Showing the page of increasing the number of storms also constitutes the steady rise in the area of ​​water in the region a threat to many islands here.

"The sand is more and more under threat," Littnan said.

– This event confronts us in the future.

It is not totally excluded that East Island can dive to the surface, but it is not very likely. Now, researchers are focusing on finding ways to counter tragedies such that the disappearance of the east island is not repeated.

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