Italian Luigi Di Maio threatens to steal the Ceta EU Canada trade agreement


The EU has opened a vast trade agreement with Canada, CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement).

– Ceta will soon be on the table of Parliament and the majority will vote for it, said Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio Friday at a meeting in Rome with an agricultural association.

– The Italian official who continues to defend the agreement that Ceta will be allowed to do, added Di Maio, who is also the leader of the populist Five-Star movement, which shares the government with the high-nationalist Lega .

by Ceta means that the biggest trade agreement of the EU can endanger very long.

The agreement was finalized in September, but it is still subject to ratification, approval in all 28 countries of the EU. Following the entry into force of the TTIP trade agreement between the EU and the United States, TTIP has been Europe's most recent free trade deal recently ( 19,459,002). 19659007] [ad_2]
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