"It's time for me to leave"


In a long post on his Facebook page, hip-hop legend Ken Ring writes that music will be put on the shelf – for good …

"After a lot of thoughts, feelings , laughs and tears, I decided.The next album will be the last of my career.I have been making music for 20 years now and it's time for me to leave behind Ken Ring, "writes the rapper on facebook

Ken Ring writes that there are other things he wants to bet on.

"I have so many things to accomplish in life. I dream of a football academy in Kenya, my hotel, coffee farms, the biggest coffee chain in Sweden, the record company, publishing and starting to work with my producers against the US. United ". The Ken Ring album "The Music", which will be in 2019, will be his last album. He sends a big thank you to his fans for his long career

Ken Ring: "I'm finishing"

"Thanks to all who have listened and supported my article over the years, I think I'm finishing with a tour from 2020 and then I'm officially finished! Forever! I said the end is coming for a while now and I know it for a long time.I'll finish the tab on top. "700 pieces, 15 albums and more than 14 songs of gold and platinum, "writes Ken Ring and continues:

" Ken Ring has delivered! Haha.There is nothing in the world that means more than the l & # 39; love that you have given me.I have managed without media and without radio for all years.Never won a prize, Grammy or P3 gold.But I won, you who support me Thank you !! Now I will give you my end with my best album through the ages.Masa Music will live harder than ever.But without me as an artist only.M thanks good people and hope you like the new album I'm recording now! Peace !! ", wrote Ken Ring on Facebook.

When the Express reaches Ken Ring, he does not have much to add.

– My last tour will be in 2020 and the next record in 2019. My last career career will be in Stockholm 2020. Yes, the music speaks for me.There is nothing else to say, he writes in an email.

] READ MORE: Ken Ring: "Feeling Such an Amazing Debt"


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