It's Victoria's paradise – but when she leaves, she's sad


During the first year of the reign of the Crown Princess, thousands of visitors, 40,000 cars on the deck of Öland in one day, a great media guard and, of course, a good deal for the # 39; tourism industry.

The royal family undoubtedly attracts tourists, and it needs this amazing little island to the fullest! But not just for a single day …

As an island-island since the 70's, I got up when the Crown Princess said this week that she was very enticing in this island. source, as she was sad when she drove back.

Öland means incredibly a lot for Victoria, it's there that she relaxes and especially

However, should not our royal family join us and make even more of noise for Öland as a tourist magnet?

Grannön Gotland has all you need to know from the week of Almedalen. Stockholm and Gothenburg have the archipelagos, Skåne is close to the mainland, the beaches and the beautiful Österlen.

With the help of the royal family, you should be able to market Öland as Royal Öland! Taste this word!

The heart of the royal family is here, Victoria loves her Solliden and wants to give her children the same wonderful summers that she herself has received, Queen Silvia praises the "sweet air" and nature, our environmentally conscious king is making significant efforts – as recently as last year he opened the desalination plant in Sandvik, which has involved him a lot.

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Royal Island? The English royal house, with Queen Elizabeth in mind, is extremely involved in social and tourist events at the places where their baby castle is, I think in Windsor, Balmoral and Sandringham.

All these three castles use the royal family as a real cord. There are royal parades, drawing schools, family celebrations, floral and canine exhibitions, tourist safaris, golf competitions, special courses for dementia, sackpipe lessons …

Come on, our Swedish royal family! We see how popular Victoria Day is. With Royal Öland, the tourist season can be extended properly!

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