Jair Bolsonaro is the highlight in the list on the left


But Petter Larsson refuses to believe that the case is settled.

Supporters of Bolosnaro in Rio de Janeiro celebrate the electoral victory.picture: Leo Correa

The rural population of the land, the reserve of undeclared labor, ready to work for nothing, decreases and wages increase every time they turn into workers. With the breakthrough of democracy in more and more countries, prosperity is growing. A growing share of the output of production must go to such hospitals, schools and pensions. And with the environmental and climate crisis, the demand of capitalists to pay for what their destroyed production increases.

These are the three factors that led the theoretician of the world system, Emmanuel Wallerstein, to conclude that capitalism, at least in its essentially liberal and democratic 1900s, is about to become unprofitable and that we are now moving towards some something new.

The global battle of the next decades is about how this new global system will be shaped. On the one hand, those who want a more hierarchical and unequal world are canceling wages, taxes and environmental demands. On the other hand, we want fewer hierarchies and more equality at all levels.

I listened to Wallerstein at the World Social Forum held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 16 years ago, where many progressive movements of the world were gathered to coordinate the game.

In the evening, I received Lula for me at a party.

A few months later, his working group took power in Brazil. The left wave of Latin America was a fact and was becoming a fog of crazy socialists around the world. Where armed movements have failed, it has shown that the left can conquer power with democratic means.

The choice of Jair Bolsonaro is the nail in the coffin, which makes me think that we must look up to the last wizards of SD, Trumps twitter or the game on the power of Merkel. What is the shape of the world? The left is about to lose everywhere in the picture!

The demonstrations against Jair Bolsonaro were gathered under the slogan "EleNao" – "Not him".picture: Eraldo Peres

Since Wallerstein's speech, there has been a quick and complete right angle of the entire map of the world.

Almost all old and new powers are now run by really fearful authoritarian nationalists: United States, Russia, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Italy. Or the more modest ordinary world: Britain, Germany, Japan and France a little more liberal and Canada.

The more I think about it, the more it seems that the left, overall, still does not reside after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Do not misunderstand me: it was an extremely human system, whose collapse pleased and pleased me now, and which should have given the left the opportunity to be reborn in a more amorous form of freedom. Instead, social democracy is about to be destroyed in its former central countries of Western Europe.

Is it the impetus for democracy, equalization and the extension of rights which, symbolically, comes from the now exhausted French Revolution? Can the best hope to slowly lose a fight?

I refuse to believe that the case is settled. In most countries, the right has conquered the government with moderate margins and only after having had the choice between only two options – the presidents, the referendums – as nationalists and extremely fair majorities. But in my lifetime, the need for a new mobilization of the left, which probably also relies on a liberal middle class and alliances with liberal parties, has not been so urgent.

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