Japan may be the new game team of Asia – Worldwide


Japan has never been a popular destination for roulette players and poker sharks. Casinos have been banned in the country – but they can continue to change since the Japanese House of Commons passed a legislative amendment.

In 2016, the Japanese parliament approved a new law paving the way for the legalization of the casino industry. Now the country is getting closer to the government's goal: to make Japan a new Las Vegas

The opposition has called for a resignation vote in a last-ditch attempt to delay Friday's vote. There was nothing to do, given the vast majority of the government. Polls show that a majority is against government plans.

Wants to be a tourist nation

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his government are preparing the construction of several giant entertainment complexes that, in addition to casinos, should include arenas, restaurants and conference rooms. According to government spokesman Yoshihide Suga, Japan will be "a great tourist nation".

According to Suga, these facilities do not only concern casinos.

Economists estimate that the casino industry would report annually between 160 and 302 billion crowns. The government plans a 30 percent tax on gambling income.

This will boost tourism throughout Japan, says Suga, adding that the plans stimulate the economy of the country as a whole

criticizes the government

The government is focusing on casinos when western Japan is still corrupt after the massive tidal waves that killed more than 200 people in July.

There are innumerable reasons to suspect Abe and his government, according to opposition leader Yukio Edano. window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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