Japanese evacuated after typhoid warning – News – Corren.se


The typhoon, called Jongdari, has a wind speed of about 50 meters per second and is expected to move to the western parts of the southern region of Chugoku.

Chugoku was hit earlier in July by severe flooding of tropical forests that required a total of about 220 lives, the worst climate-related disaster in Japan in decades. More than 4,000 people still live in temporary homes after the destruction of their homes.

In Shobara City in Hiroshima Prefecture, authorities sent an evacuation order to about 36,400 people.

Although it does not rain here, we evacuate humans before dark, says Masaharu Kataoka, local Shobara official.

More than 370 domestic flights have been launched following the impending storm, the same goes for several crossings between Tokyo and neighboring islands. Japan is regularly affected by typhoons between summer and autumn

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