Japan's mortality rate rises after record rains and floods


On Saturday, several people in Hiroshima perished in a shelter. One of them was a man found dead at his home since he was called a firefighter and alarmed by the fact that clay swamps were drowning his house.

Thus, the number of deaths after violent landslides in Japan is at least 28. The NHK television channel talks about 35 confirmed deaths.

Still missing at least 50 people. Many were washed away in rivers and canals, while others have not been seen since their home was submerged by clay, soil and water masses. At the same time, more than 40 people were injured and 500 were completely or partially destroyed. . More than 1.6 million people have been evacuated from their homes. There is a preparation to evacuate 2.5 million more people.

In Ehime County (prefecture) on the island of Shikoku, local authorities issued a warning Saturday that the Hijifloden are about to flood their beds. According to a message on the city's website, the water level is the highest ever. "Move immediately to evacuation sites or high altitude areas," writes the city.

In Okayama, 20 people were rescued, forced to resort to the rising waters on the roof of a convenience store. More than 400 people are still stranded on ceilings and other protruding structures in the flooded county.

In total, about 50,000 members of the Japanese police, rescue service, and self-defense forces participate in the search for the missing and the guilty, as well as those who are stuck or broken


  Rescuers look for missing people on overcrowded river in Osaka
Rescuers search for missing persons on an overcrowded river in Osaka. 19659012] Photo: Shohei Miyano / News from Kyodo / AP

It was a very heavy rain Thursday entered and began to move slowly over some southern and central parts of the Japan.

and the intensity of rainfall has sometimes been extreme. In some places it has been reported up to 100 millimeters per hour, which corresponds to a higher than normal rainfall for a summer month in Sweden.

Precipitation is expected to continue during the weekend. During the day from Saturday morning to Sunday morning, 300 millimeters of rain are expected on the islands of Shikoku and Kyushu and 250 millimeters in the Tokai area, which includes several counties further north-east around Nagoya

Nagasaki and Hiroshima, but they are still in place for Okayama, Tottori, Kyoto and Hyogo.

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