Jari Aarnio and former gang leader


Aarnio is known for a planned assassination, but could not intervene.

The former chief of the drug dealer of Helsinki Jari Aarnio is suspected of crimes related to an assassination in an apartment in the North Sea in Helsinki in 2003. He

In addition to Aarnio, Keijo Vilhunen Former leader of the United Brotherhood criminal gang, was arrested today. The victim of the assassination was Volkan Ünsal .

Aarnios Attorney Riitta Leppiniemi told STT that Aarnio's police did not know about the assassination in advance.

– Aarnio claims that the police did not know anything about the assassination in the North Sea, which could have happened.

Murdered to go to the police

In the book They call me the murderer of Solvalla who came out last spring, the phrase of life Janne Raninen writes about the current assassination. Raninen and two other men are convicted of the killing of Ünsal

In the book, Raninen tells Jari Aarnio to know the planned murder. According to one of the torpedoes, Keijo Vilhunen had to be the one who shared the murder mission.

The assassination is linked to one of the most important transports of Sweden in 2002. The friend of Ranin Leo Carmona known to hip-hop group Kartellen, and two others have reported more than four million euros to Arlanda. No one was found guilty of the robbery, which is now impromptu. At the end of last summer, Carmona came out in the Swedish media and told him that he was one of the thieves.

According to Raninen, Volkan Ünsal, who was close to Raninen and Carmona, stole some of the change. In addition, Ünsal blamed the theft of the police. The word of order on Ünsal was a revenge. Carmona, who served part of the punishment in Finland, was found guilty of instigation.

HBL interviewed Janne Raninen in March 2018 and Leo Carmona 2014.

A long haul in the history of Finnish crime

The Aarnio case is a rare Finnish criminal antecedent rider. In the past, Jari Aarnio was sentenced by the Helsinki District Court to ten years' imprisonment for serious drug offenses and gross occupation. In addition, Aarnio was found guilty of a three-year prison term for, among other things, abuse of power and gross fraud in the Trevoc case. The three-year prison sentence has already acquired the force of law, while the court of appeal will now rule on the district court's previous ruling on the major crime scene.

Aarnio and Vilhunen were released on June 19 in anticipation of the Supreme Court decision. Then Aarnio was arrested for three and a half years.

While Aarnio is awaiting the judgment of the court of appeal, an additional court proceeding will begin where he is involved. The case concerns irregularities in the way Helsinki handles the administration of medicines in the management of information sources. In addition to Aarnio, the former chief of police Mikko Paatero the former head of the Helsinki Police Jukka Riikonen and the current police chief Lasse Aapio prosecuted for breach of duty. The Ministry of the Interior decided in May to close Aapio from his office until his case was brought to justice.

Last July, Helsingin Sanomat wrote that Police Chief Robin Lardot was suspected of breaking service and failing to observe the duty of surveillance of drug users to manipulate sources of information. e, w, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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