Jenny Jägerfeld receives Children's Book Award for "Comedy Queen"


"Comedy Queen" talks about a girl whose mother has committed suicide. The girl is struggling to become such a funny comic that she can make her sad father laugh.

The motivation of the jury indicates, among other things, that "Jenny Jägerfeld makes the reader understand the importance of talking to each other when life is the hardest." Jenny Jägerfeld captures the reader of the first page with funny bones and a key character who the key. "

How does he seem to get the price of Barnradion's book?

– Incredibly well! Especially when there are children who have been with and have selected the books and the winner.

Have you listened to the program where they discuss your book?

– Yes, lovely people. I met them at the book fair and they told me how important it was for them, in part because they had never read five books in the past. of summer, partly to participate in such a context. Some of them did not even know what was Swedish radio before. It was very nice that this group of children was with it.

What did you have in their discussions?

– That they can relate to their own sorrows. It's about a girl whose mother has lost her life. It is clear that not everyone can understand what is lucky, but they could also feel bad or mourn someone. I thought it was fine. It was also fun that they enjoyed the pleasure of the book.

Now you have also been nominated for the August prize.

– It's great that the book gets those chances. I went into the book with my deepest pain but also my craziest joke, so it's incredibly big.

Do you think it's one of your best books?

– You can always think that the last book you wrote is the best, while books are like your children – you think about it so much, but in different ways. Maybe it's the best, she says laughing.

What are you doing now

"I write on a project with Mats Strandberg (" Circle "," Ferry ") .He is a horror writer and wrote fantasy.We use our main areas of interest – his fear is my psychology, it will be a book with incredible fear and incredible psychology, so I'm very excited about it.

Is it an adult novel?

– yes The title is "Monster in Therapy" and it will be in the spring of 2020. This is the first time I write with someone. When we found the idea, we felt really bad and we really sat down and wrote line by line. I've always thought that it was impossible to write with someone but that's not the case.

Read more: Jenny Jägerfeld: "Some are just what you need to try – like eating soap"

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