Jessica Andersson responds to her mother's last wish


Three years ago, Jessica Andersson's mother, Eva Andersson, was diagnosed with ALS. On Friday, she fell asleep.

Jessica Andersson chose to be open about the offspring and helplessness of the mother facing the difficult illness.

– Finally, you may be able to think of this without breaking down, but now it's heavy. I feel pain every day and I will do it as long as I live. But I also have slight memories, especially those of the last ten years where my mother and I had a fantastic relationship. We could see often and do a lot together. I care about her, she says, and continues:

– When she was still communicating with a writing board, we were talking a lot. Mom had to say what she meant, and so did we. It feels good that we have to do it.

Eva Andersson has expressed the wish that her daughter will sing at the funeral.

– Right now, I'm hard to imagine, but I've promised him. So I will do it too. She was very cautious that she wanted to "keep my heart" with Björn Skifs, "says Jessica Andersson.

Wants to pay attention to her mother in" Summer Cross "

Saturday the artist is on stage in "Summer Cross" to sing "Party Voice. "

– It has been planned for a long time and feels good.There is a wish on my part to do something more.I hope that there will be room for Saturday [19659002] It is possible to test if you carry the genes of the disease Jessica Andersson examined the thought, but discovered not to do that.

– Thoughts come in. But now we have focused on mom and not to overturn his own preoccupation.I have decided early that I do not want to do a repetition.If you worry, you can not live fully.

This is ALS

AS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is the name of a group of neurodegenerative diseases where nerve cells die in the brain, brainstem and spinal cord.

This leads to muscle gain and paralysis.The disease can start sneaking or be rarer suddenly with a weakness of the tongue, hand or leg.

There is no cure for ALS, but there is a brake medication that causes a slowing of the disease.

Researchers can not yet explain why the disease occurs. Many different theories have been discussed. Many speeches for the failure of the nerve cell can be triggered by the structural modified egg white matter. Hereditary factors are of great importance in a small proportion of cases (ALS family).

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