Jessica Andersson's care after the mother's death


Jessica Andersson lost her mother Eva Johansson on Friday. The artist tells the sad news of an entry on Instagram.

"A three-year long journey is over and I break down," writes Jessica Andersson in the post, and continues:

"Trying to think that it's better for you now .. more probe, nobody Poke, no respirator, no more panic than you do not get air .. stomeposse stuff, no catheter, no more terrible transports to hospitals when the respirator hurts .. whore where the stuff was never you anyway, the disease was never you .. "

Jessica Andersson describes how she held her mother's hand and told her how much she was l & # 39;

"A big thank you to me who gave me life", writes Jessica Andersson

For the Hans & Anna Shimoda newspaper, Jessica Andersson recounts the mother's hard illness [19659002-Theprogressionofthediseaseissofastweknowthatthedaywillcomebutitisstillimpossibletoprepareshesaystothenewspaper[19659002Shealsorecountstheheavyworkofgrieffortheinevitablemessage

– I have been a mom since she was diagnosed for three years ago, but you can not really prepare yourself for what it will be. It's like going to the wall, she told Aftonbladet.

Jessica Andersson also sends greetings to the staff of Eva Johansson's retirement home before she left. Jessica Andersson also thanks those who worried when she was forced to find a job during her last period.

"I would also like to thank the staff of the Stenstorp retirement home who took care of mom the last time … angels who saw the person behind the illness.Thanks also to the organizers, colleagues and Audiences for understanding this week when I was forced to create a job. "

Thanks for the support

Jessica Andersson also thanks her boyfriend Johan Malm, 33, and her son Liam, age 14 , and her friends

She ends the job with the words:

"Mom, grandmother, grandmother, friend, heroine."

Eva Johansson is 73 years old.

In an Instagram post Jessica Andersson reported that her mother was suffering from ALS, a nerve disorder that leads to paralysis in the body.

In her last article, Jessica Andersson uses "hackers" and "defeatists", and also mentions the Ulla-Carin Lindquist Foundation for research on the SLA.

Expressen has already been in contact with the director of Jessica Andersson who says that she refuses to comment.

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