Jessica Andersson's mother died in ALS – recounting her grief


Dare not repeat: "When she was diagnosed, I panicked for my sake and for the sake of my son Liam."

In May, Jessica Andersson told her says that his mother had suffered from ALS.

On Friday, she fell asleep after a three-year fight against the dreaded nervous illness.

– The progression of the disease is so rapid. We know that the day will come, but it is still impossible to prepare, she told the Nöjesbladet.

Three years ago Jessica Andersson s, 44, Mother Eva was diagnosed with ALS. In May, she wrote about the mother's illness in a moving post on Instagram.

"My mother was diagnosed with ALS three years ago … a hell of a dysfunction that breaks everything down, a hell of a dysfunction, with no cure. This satanic disease is going to take my mother's life. Anxiety and frustration, impotence, it is TOTAL! "

Friday's mother, Eva in and Jessica, wrote about Instagram's grief.

" A three-year long journey is over … and I'm breaking up … Trying to think that it's better for you now. No more pain, no point, no respirator, no more panic because you do not have air … No gastric box, no catheter, no more gloomy transport to hospitals when the Respirator hurts … "she writes, followed by a red heart. with the family, Jessica watched the mother for four days before finally falling asleep.

"We were there … I kept your hand all the time … Tell us how much we love you … Hope you heard … A big THANK YOU to you who gave Jessica also begs the staff of the Stenstorp Retirement Home who took care of his beloved mother during the difficult illness

"The Angels Who Saw the Person Behind the Disease"

1 of 2 Photo: Robin Lorentz -Allard

Jessica Andersson

"A giant movie"

Now Jessica tells for the first time the death of her mother for the Nöjesbladet

– I give a baby to my mother since she was diagnosed three years ago, but you can not really prepare yourself for what it will be. "It's like going to the wall, she says.

Unlike the mother, Jessica knew from the early diagnosis would lead to painful death.

– I had read the book "No Smoking" of Ul the Carin Lindquist about ten years ago, so when Mom called me and told her that she had been diagnosed, I broke out completely because I knew exactly what that meant. Mom did not really know it now, she said, continuing:

– I asked for three opinions from different doctors, because I refused to accept that it would be wrong. first SLA. It's a disease that you do not even want for your worst enemy. Completely inconvenient to be captive in his own body with a fully functional, clear and intelligent brain.

The disease is to some extent hereditary, it's something that Jessica has thought a lot about.

– When she was diagnosed, I also panicked for my own good and for the sake of my son Liam. Then I spoke with a neurologist surgeon from Sahlgrenska who told me that you could be kind enough to see if you carry the gene. It's a great movie, but I decided that I did not want to know. I think I would stop living if I was told that I was carrying the gene and I do not want it.

To interpret the song of her mother

Jessica has trouble describing her feelings so close but so trying.

– During Lill-Bab's memorial service in the Great Church, Petter held a speech about the feeling of losing a mother, it was like a bottomless hole, and it feels like that, says Jessica , and continues:

– also becomes terribly bad conscience when I say it, but he feels a strange way, nevertheless, as a relief. That she is better now and does not need to be defenseless.

You are participating in the "Summer Cruise" at TV4 on Saturday, will you honor mom with a song?

– That would have been nice, but it's been a long time since we decided to do "Party Voice" and it's a little strange after all. But tomorrow I'll be singing an entire song at Söderhamn and then I'll do "I've done it for love" for the first time since Mom left and this song is very special because it's been written to her. It has always been the mother's song. It will probably be a trial, but I still think I'll do it. For her.


ALS is a crippling disease that destroys neurons in the brain and spinal cord that activate the muscles controlled by the will. The cause is not known and the disease can not be cured, but some of the problems can be treated.

The person with ALS suffers sooner or later from respiratory failure and dies. This usually happens within two to four years after the onset of the disease, but some people live much longer.

Source: The Care Guide

The stars who gave us 2018 01:27

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