Joacim Rickling and Caroline Kejbert wait for children


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Joachim Rickling and Caroline Kejbert wait for children

They got lost during the last season of "Farmer Seeking Mommy".

Now, Joacim Rickling and Caroline Kejbert reveal that they are expecting children.

"Joachim Rickling told Nöjesbladet"

In the last second, he jumped to "Bonde looking for woman" and was introduced by TV4 as a "sweetie". And in a few days, Joacim Rickling 27 years old, had thousands of admiration records

When the recordings of last season started well, he fell quickly Caroline Kejbert 28 years old.

After the program, they chose to move together. And now the next joy will come. In his Instagram, Rickling reveals that they will become parents.

"Caroline's belly is starting to grow and the house has been finished just in time.The guest room is going to the kids room and the love is stronger than ever!" He writes, followed by the hashtaggarna "We two become three" and "farm"

A decision that emerges

When the Nöjesbladet reaches Rickling, the couple just spent their first day on their new farm outside Örsundsbro.

– It was a celebration celebration yesterday with friends and acquaintances. It's the first night we slept in the new house, says Joacim Rickling

He tells us that the decision regarding the kids took on a bigger scale last year.

– We have many friends waiting for children. And our brothers and sisters have just arrived. He's snuck up only. Feelings appeared

Current with new TV4 series

The new family member is expected to arrive early in the year. They have not yet known the sex of the child, and they have no names.

– No, no name at all. But we wonder about it. It is not so easy. We have some names in the family, both on my side and Carro's, so it depends a bit on what he gets.

The couple is currently on their TV series on TV4. According to Rickling, we will be able to follow part of the pregnancy there. It remains to be seen if viewers are allowed to continue until delivery.

He says that lately have been intense.

– We're fine But it was so bad. There have been so many things with our television series, the renovation of our homes and the ongoing harvest. But it's clear that Carro is great too.

Did you think about that when you thanked "Farmer looking for his wife"?

– No, I did not have a shot at it. To meet a fantastic girl who has a fantastic family first. All the puzzles fell into place, so it seemed useless to wait.

Linda Lindorff usually has the slightest idea what is happening to all farmers. Did you tell him something?

– No, that detail failed me, Rickling said.

Then he is went to our favorite farmers 01:20