Joakim Lundell: "He becomes the godfather of Lunabelle"


YouTube pair Joakim and Jonna Lundell became about a week ago the parents of his beloved daughter Luna Belle. The small crab weighed 3,685 grams, measured 49 cm and was released on October 28 at 10:31 in Norrköping. The family is happier than ever, and a few days ago she returned home to her villa outside Norrköping, where friends and fathers were waiting for her.

Someone who was really happy to finally meet Lunabelle – it was the couple's dog Batman who constantly looks at the little nod.

Lunabelle and the Batman dog
Lunabelle weighed 3,685 grams and was 49 centimeters long when she came out. She also immediately received a first friend in the form of the Batman dog. Image Source: Joakim Lundell Instagram

Joakim recently told the pod "In truth" that Lunabelle would not be in contact with any grandparents, for which reason there is no reason at present,

"She will have so many nice people around us, we are in an incredibly nice and sexy gang," he said.

Danjal Kanani and Joakim Lundell
Danjal Kanani is one of Jocke and Jonas's closest friends. He collaborates, lives and works daily. Image Source: Danjal Kanani Instagram

"John's mother will be pretty good as a grandparent," he concluded.

But someone in the next circle of the couple who will also have an honorable role – that is Danjal Kanani. A few days ago, Joakim revealed that he was Lunabelle's godfather.

"This being GODFAR is really a whole new type of power or what do you say" problem, no problem, my friend! "Writes Danjal on his Instagram account. It's one of Lundell's closest friends. Image source: Instagram

Joakim published a photo of Danjal and Lunabelle with the text "The greatest godfather of the world". Danjal also wrote his new assignment on his Instagram account.

Congratulations, we say!

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