Joakim Lundell became ill and therefore has to organize the evening at the Kiruna Festival

– It's very boring, says the festival Alex Olofsson

Joakim Lundell like 2017 had a success with "Everything I need" with syskonduon Arrhult should have made its debut at the Kiruna Festival at 19:00. Instead, he is forced to cancel due to illness, as announced Saturday 's organizer on his Facebook page.

– This is very boring. It's sad for the Kiruna festival, it's sad for the visitors, but it's also sad for Joakim Lundell who can not come to Kiruna and live the Kiruna festival, says Alex Olofsson Kiruna festival festival. Joakim Lundell on Saturday afternoon raised a picture of a toilet chair, with the text "My best friend right now! Do not really have time to be sick now!" [19659007] The sickness message was left this morning at the Kiruna Festival. It is therefore too late to find a replacement.

– He has approached it, but it can act of diseases. Even artists are people who get sick. People understand and accept that, says Alex Olofsson.

Those who bought tickets will not receive compensation or redemption.

– The rules are clear. A ticket purchased can not be used. This also applies to lost tickets, so when the payment has been made, you are bound to your purchase, says Alex Olofsson, referring to the terms of the ticker ticker ticker

Joakim Lundell is running this summer and is booked for a series of concerts, including in Kalix. . Harnosand City Festival

Nöjesbladet have been looking for Joakim Lundell

entertainment titles of today. – June 30 0:29

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