Joakim Tillgren suits pantern | Aftonbladet


After 40 years in the association, Joakim Tillgren was fired from the sports direction at IK Pantern.

Now he is taking the club to the labor court, where he wants to overturn the divorce and demand 150,000 compensation, writes the Siren News Agency.

It was during a stormy fall of last year at IK Pantern with coach parking and economic problems, the club having also launched the girlfriend, Joakim Tillgren, after 40 years in the club.

Tillgren had signed a sports director's contract by 2020 but had been fired for two and a half years at work – without any compensation. For this reason, Pantern claimed that he was cooperative and threatened, which Tillgren refused.

– The union is of the opinion that this will be submitted to the Labor Court. Anyway, I have an agreement by 2020 and they want to get rid of me without any compensation. I do not think they allow, "said Tillgren.

"No fun to be unemployed at 60"

And then it became. The press agency Siren writes that a lawsuit has been filed in the labor court. The union, which represents TIllgren, insists that the divorce be annulled and that you pay a compensation of 150,000 SEK for violation of the law on the protection of employment.

Sportbladet has sought representatives of the current management of the Pantern club without success. Joakim Tillgren declined to comment further on the case. But at the announcement of the spark, Tillgren told Sportbladet:

– In a way, I will sue the panterre for sweating and pain. It is not very fun to be somewhere for 40 years and to be unemployed at the age of 60.

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