Joe Labero sets up 105 shows planned in Las Vegas


Illusionist Joe Labero sets up 105 scheduled shows from his show "Inferno"

The ticket buyer recovers the money – and Labero moves the show to China instead.

– You can not miss the train that goes now. I felt "bam, we drive". They are big there who want us, "he told Nöjesbladet.

Joe Labero age 55, played more than a hundred nights at the Paris Theater in Las Vegas with the show "Inferno: The Four spectacular". The illusionist still had 105 shows planned ahead of him in Las Vegas, but now chooses to put everyone, who Express was the first to point out.

The ticket buyer recovers the money.

Instead, Labero takes the show in Macau China. Macao is a so-called special administrative region in China, known as one of the premier casino destinations in the world.

– I have my name and I did what I wanted. Right now, it is good to move on to the next step. I wanted to do Macau sooner, when I was in Singapore for all the years, but I never went in. So, you can not miss the train now. I felt "bam, we drive". They are great there who want us, says the Swedish illusionist at Nöjesbladet, and continues:

"Good deal"

– This is a good, purely artistic business opportunity and professional. take against the gigantic market like China and Asia.

The 130 performances have served as showcases to the world, where several proposals have been submitted. The producer "Inferno" Patrik Krall declares for Expressen that the future 105 representations are established for logistical reasons. The equipment will be packed and shipped to China. Money is not a big loss, as most ticket buyers in Las Vegas spontaneously buy tickets just before the show.

– This is not a problem. It's such a difference to do a Nordic tour. There you sell quite differently, but in Vegas it's time for sales. 130 gig, it's the flag of the top just for that. Joe Labero, who is now wondering how to personalize the show for his new audience, is a eulogy for doing so many shows,

– They want the fireworks and asked us if we could take a stag. flying that triggers fire. . It suits you very well. In Asia and China, it's a good chance, so it's no wonder bringing a kite that sets off the fire. I think it was a gift.

Las Vegas – a childhood dream

But Joe Labero with his family is not really packing. He, Mrs. Anna Vinterfall and her daughter, Nicole, live in Las Vegas until Christmas. After a tour in Sweden this spring, the floating glass can return to Singapore, where they lived for five years.

– It's great! I made my childhood dream, Las Vegas. It feels good, it's not a snack, huh. He opened so many new opportunities. It has never been so exciting, he says, and continues:

– Life is too short to sit and regret what to do. I had a birthday yesterday, filled 55, the time is about to whistle. If you have fun and work with something fun, it will be fast. It's a privilege.

1 of 2 | Photo: Pontus Orre

Joe Labero

the successful Swedes in Hollywood 01:22

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