Joe Labero's shows in Las Vegas are set


Joe Labero's time in Las Vegas is over for this time.

The illusionist made 130s at the Paris Theater in Las Vegas, with his show "Inferno: The Four spectacular".

But now 105 planned shows are being introduced. Ticket buyers get the money back.

Instead, Joe Labero moves the show to Macau, China. He tells the producer "Inferno" Patrik Krall.

– We will make a movement on the show. We have been working for a long time in China, in Macao.

The show was a success

Joe Labero himself suggested moving in an interview with Smålandsposten on Saturday.

– Can see what's happening here in Las Vegas. But I have something to do, a long-term contract in a different place than Las Vegas. Very tempting. Can see if it's locked, "said Joe Labero to the newspaper.

According to Patrik Krall, the turning point in Las Vegas was successful – and opened the door to the new opportunity in China. [19659002]

READ MORE: The photos show the secret life of Labero

– It's been a long time dreaming of getting to Vegas, then we made 130 performances. window of view all over the world.Then there were a lot of suggestions and we decided to follow the path of China.It is the biggest market in the world.

According to Patrik Krall, the 105 Las Vegas shows are based on the fact that all equipment is packaged and shipped to China.This does not mean a significant cash loss, as most Las Vegas ticket buyers light up a few tickets days before the show, he says.

"Sell a lot of tickets" [19659007] – We sell a lot of tickets the same week. The money that is found there, on the sold tickets, is pretty minimal in the context.

Up to now, no premiere date in Macau has been decided.

Macao is a so-called special administrative region in China, located on a peninsula in the southern part of the country. Casino activities are one of the largest sources of revenue in the region.

Expressen looks for Joe Labero.

READ MORE: TV4 Unveiled Labero's Tip in New Morning


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