Johan Esk at the football world cup in the quarterfinals of Sweden. against England: A chance, an opportunity, a victory of the matches on the medals


Imagine if you have a chance, an opportunity. To capture everything you've always wanted in a moment.

Want to seize the opportunity?

Or just let him escape?

Eminem wonders in the song "Lose yourself". I think I've quoted the lines before and before the Saturday World Cup drama, the quarterfinals between England and Sweden, the words have never been better.

For England.

In English football there is always the worn out sentence that Bucklan goes home one day, they will have the opportunity, and now Harry Kane knows it and all of it world knows the situation here and now. 19659002] For Sweden?

This was all about nothing that counted. It's a great place to go back and forth and leave with a place in the semifinals.

I wrote earlier that I hoped to see Sweden play the Volga World Cup in the city of Samara. Then I wanted to say an eighth final as a TV group. Now Sweden is in the fluvial city for a quarter-final.

So now – and that's the most important thing – it's up to all players and leaders to realize that this chance that has come up will never come back. So go out and take it

After the first game against South Korea – it feels already so long – a lot of players have said that it was a boy dream come true for world Cup. [19659002ThisismorethanadreamofalifetimeItistimefortheadultgoalsnowthattheSwedishplayershavetheopportunitytooptforthehighlevelanditisclearthatSwedenwilltakepartinthemedalsoftheWorldCup

The Swedish summer. Saturday. Cancellation at 4 pm I can only imagine how it will be there at home and I wish I could share it in two. The one that could be in place when Swedish players enter the World Cup Stadium for the biggest 24-year-old team in Sweden and whoever can share time with my dearest. She was a girlfriend at the time, but his wife now, those who only saw the footage in the SVT World Cup column and still barely.

Yes, I still speak of -94

I followed the criminal drama of a tired drafting chair at Länstidningen in Södertälje. In the chair where I saw "Foppa" the previous month, and Salo saved his punishment, I saw Ravelli lead his team into eternity.

Then I went back to Stockholm and made a detour to Norrtull and I slipped all the Sveavägen until I wanted to see and feel the joy. I sat in my old green golf course and watched the crowd outside, many went to Sergel's place. It is close to the place that symbolizes the country and the place that symbolizes a country in euphoria. The place where Palme was murdered and the fountain where people celebrate and bathe.

You who were with or you who have only seen the chronicle of the World Championship, know that the events are the new versions of the quarterfinals against Romania. 19659002] Could this happen again?

Some say that Sweden is boring, but I say like Ulf Lundell: "Let them talk."

And I say hockey coach Lasse Falk when his 1-3-1 game was criticized: "It's sad to lose.To win, it's fun."

Those who say that Sweden plays with boredom know that they see no solution to beat Sweden.

I only wish that I heard more skitsnack about Sweden from England. More underestimation, more hybris. I wish there is more "Old England" on the law that Sweden will face

Gareth Southgate under the direction of a national coach “/>

Gareth Southgate During a national team training photo: Paul Ellis / AFP

Two years after the summer of bronze who n & # 39; never said no, Sweden did not even qualify for the championships of England. For the local team, the 1996 championship ended with a question:

"Why did not you call him?" Why did not you just choose to go there? go?

Gareth Southgate's mother asked the question. His son had missed the penalty that brought down England in the semifinal and for many years he lived with the memory of a disappointment on the part of a footballer on his shoulders [19659002] and with Gareth Southgate as with the Swedish team. They would not be here.

When Sam Allardyce was revealed in a corruption scandal in the fall of 2016, he was fired as a federation. Southgate was moved from the U21 team

In the Southgate team you play with a clover line and it's like if we Swede pass the threshold for the mid-summer

in the playground and roar about British pride, this is not a team building its fighting and warfare game and striking the opponent's recognition.

Gareth Southgate respectfully speaks of Sweden. England will not give a few percent interest in the fact that the manager has not done the job properly and that his players do not underestimate Sweden.

In Sweden, the backline does not respond to the urgent and stressful attacks they will suffer. now

They will have Marcus Berg and Ola Toivonen as a constant couple in stress.

Two years ago, Ola was considered too bad to join the European Championships. During the last season, he was considered too bad to play in Toulouse. At the World Championship, he was one of the best and most important players in Sweden

Before the quarterfinals, I wrote Kennet Andersson's classic lyrics to Ola Toivonen's teammates: [19659002] "It's one of the matches you'd like to see with friends at home."

– I would not want to do that, says Ola Toivonen of the match, a few hours away now .

Can you understand what is happening at home?

– No, it's really hard actually. I have seen videos from my home. Degerfors pub and Karlskoga beach, but no …

– It's good to be in this bubble.

Stay here, Ola.

More: The players of the 2018 World Cup are so good compared to the 1994 bronze team

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