Johaug may miss the world champion – too misclassified


After two run-free seasons due to the doping stoppage Thérèse Johaug fell to the bottom of the rankings. After the stay, Johaug has up to 999 FIS points. According to the national team manager, Vidar Löfshus, there should be less than 80 points to participate in the World Cup.

– I really think about it. I should probably get the FIS score, says Thérèse Johaug to VG .

"There is no need to start"

Johaug had planned to go "Channel Run" on roller skates this weekend, but a stump in the back was not a problem. ;stopped. And if you are really bad for Jouhaug, she can miss the world champion in Kuusamo.

– In the "worst case" where everything goes wrong, such as injuries and illnesses at Beitostolen (the first Norwegian), she may not be allowed to lead the world premiere of Kuusamo. But if that's the case then it's bad, whatever. Then there is no need to start. But that will never happen, says Vidar Löfshus.

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