Jonna and Joakim Lundell became parents


The love story between the Youtubeparet Joakim and Jonna Lundell started in 2011 when they met in a big market. But he said away from clicking the first time …

Joakim immediately thought of Jonna – but she gave him a cold hand. Joakim did not give up but continued to write to him on Facebook. Jonna saw all her messages – but gave her nobility by not answering.

Joakim called Jonna for really terrible things on her popular blog. Jonna's police reported Joakim – but the report was dropped. Then Jonna and Joakim started talking to each other and the rest belongs to the story.

On July 9, 2016, Joakim and Jonna Lundell married a castle outside Söderköping. After the wedding, they struggled for a long time trying to find children.

Jonna Lundell
In February, Jonna and Joakim Lundell announced that they would become parents. Image Source: Jessica Gow / TT Image

Jonna was suffering from cellular changes in the uterus and thyroid gland problems, which meant that the couple could not have children.

After many doctor visits, Jonna received the drug letrozole, which stimulates ovulation. And in February, Jonna and Joakim were shocked by the good news that Jonna was pregnant.

"It's so unreal, month after month, I've had cell changes, thyroid problems, hormones, and finally, we'll be parents," said Jonna.

Jonna Lundell pregnant
Joakim and Jonna Lundell when we told them. Source of the image: Youtube / Jocke & Jonna

"The best thing that has happened to us"

The couple had previously told them to have a girl and they have since decided on the name. Luna Belle.

Joakim and Jonna are at least ready for a good time to become parents. On her Instagram account, Jonna wrote a small greeting to the little girl in early September.

"Who you are now inside, you have already taken my heart out.
It will be fun to get to know you and experience everything with you.
You are truly welcome in our lives and we already know that you are the best thing that has happened to us.
Our beloved little Lundell mini, god what are we waiting for you!

Jonna Lundell pregnant
Jonna Lundell showed the day of prayer on her Instagram in September. Image Source: Instagram / Sessano

Joakim and Jonna had a lot of time before delivery. On October 24, Jonna was taken to BB in Stockholm after suffering a childbirth psychosis, which Joakim told me during a live broadcast.

"She hears and sees things that do not exist, she does not remember what she said, she has suicidal thoughts and she feels that she does not like it." Child, then Joakim told me.

Joakim told me that Jonna had discussed things that did not exist and that she had also had a headache and strong suicidal ideation.

– Today, she got the free kick of the world and did not want to live anymore, so the tears spread. It's hard and I'm so sorry for it, "Joakim said.

But now – after a long and demanding wait, the couple's daughter finally came into the world – on October 28, Lunabelle was born.

Now she is finally here! Image Source: Joakimlundell / Instagram

"After 5 years of fighting involuntary innocence and many tears and days when we wanted to give up, we have never stopped fighting! Today, our daughter, Lunabelle, was born and his feelings can not even be described! Welcome to our family and we promise you that our mother and dad will always be for you all your life! "writes Joakim on his Instagram account.

Congratulations to the family!

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