Jordanian emergency aid to refugees from southern Syria – Pages


Since June 19, the Damascus regime has directed its southward firing towards the province of Daraa, one of the last large areas controlled by the rebels.

There are now thousands of refugees on the Jordanian border who closed on Saturday

Resettlement of cities in south-west Syria took place after negotiations with city leaders and Syrian armed forces . On the other hand, through the intermediary of Russian officers, Rami Abdel-Rahman tells the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR) of the opposition that watches the war in Britain

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Traffic jam at the Daraa gap in southwestern Syria. Photo of the opposition network Nabaa Media

Accept or leave

But the negotiations took place in the face of the vast offensive that forced about 160,000 people to flee and intensified in recent days .

Negotiations follow a series of agreements elsewhere in Syria where the regime regained power after extensive military attacks from the ground and air. The agreements usually mean that the rebels give up their heavier weapons and then have to choose: accept the regime's military regime or the bus to the area controlled by rebels in northern Syria.

However, several rebel groups refuse to accept this but demand the reinstatement of the civilian authorities and the Russian military police. The place of the regime's soldiers is responsible for security, "said Ibrahim Jabawi, spokesman for one of the rebel groups

Refuse agreement

Jabawi denies that no agreement was found to that the rebels put down their arms

The SOHR states that the same thing happened in Ibtaa, west of Ghariya, Um Walad and East Karak.

According to SOHR, at At least five civilians were killed on Saturday in Daraa, which means that 105 civilians have been killed since June 19. At the same time, at least 96 casualties have a life on the government side and at least 59 on the rebel side. 19659018] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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