Jularbofestivalen is set because of the risk of fire


The lagging game event Jularbofestivalen i Järpliden, municipality of Torsby, is forced to set up its next event because of the risk of fire, reports SVT Värmland

– Imagine if someone One loves the hat a bit too much and throws a cover in the wrong place. No, the risk of fire is too great, says Wenche Kindberg, treasurer in the organization of the Södra Town Hall Finnskoga, to SVT

The recurring Jularbof festival commemorated by the legend of the accordion Calle Jularbo reportedly took place this weekend. ] Södra Finnskoga Town Hall writes about the decision on Facebook:

"Due to the extreme drought and fire risk that this entailed, we have carefully decided to put this year's Jularbofestival 2018, well Sure, we're sorry, but safety is foremost. "

The danger of fire in Varmland is high and SMHI issued a Class 1 warning.

Today's Entertainment Bulletins 23 July 00:29

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