Juncker: The EU and the United States are not enemies


Two and a half hours at local time, the conversation was initiated between Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Trump in Washington DC. The meeting aims to discuss recent trade conflicts.

At the end of the conference, a press conference waits in the White House garden.

Before the meeting, Trump Juncker welcomed the White House and both made brief statements for a joint press conference.

Donald Trump said he hoped to work for a "fair" trade deal with the EU and Juncker pointed out that the EU and the US were "not" enemies. "

– We are close partners, allies – not enemies. We must work together. I think we need to talk to each other, "said Mr. Juncker.

Trump and he also said it would be good if the meeting resulted in a decision to lower the tariffs.

Trump has already written on Twitter that the US and the EU should remove all tariffs:

"The EU is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a trade deal. We could finally say that it is a free market and a fair trade! I hope they will, we are ready – but they will not do it. "

which, according to Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström would be hard on Volvo and Scania companies and and United States automobile industry.

Read more: Donald Trump meets the "enemy" EU

The text is being updated.

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