Katarina Karnéus wins the Svenska Dagbladets Opera Award 2018 for …


Lead singer Katarina Karnéus receives the SvD Opera Award for "her outstanding form of the hard-earned lead role in Bellinis" Norma at the Gothenburg Opera ".
"I did not hesitate a second to say yes to the role, even though I was aware of the big challenge that it would represent," said Katarina Karnéus, who will receive the award in connection with the concert. Fall Glow November 23.

The entire motivation reads as follows:
"The Svenska Dagbladet Opera Prize is awarded to mezzosoprano Katarina Karnéus for her outstanding form of hard-earned title role in Bellini's "Norma" at the Gothenburg Opera. With full control of the entire vocal register, she loads each phrase with maximum expression. Katarina Karnéus sings with the intellect, the body and the heart. "

"I am extremely happy and grateful to receive the Svenska Dagbladet Opera Award for my contribution as a Norma at the Gothenburg Opera. I did not hesitate a second to say yes to the role, even though I was aware of the enormous challenge it would represent and that it led to such a success is incredible, she said. Katarina Karnéus, which since 2012 is linked to the Gothenburg Opera, where she played many complex roles, such as Queen Gertrude in Ambroise Thomas Hamlet, the specially written role of the mother-in-law at Hans Gefors popular and Klytaimnestra in Richard Strauss Elektra.

"Makeless", "beautiful", "surprisingly good", "singular brilliance" and "exceptional". Only one review celebrated the lead role of Katarina Karnéus in Bellini's opera Norma, which was given to the big stage of the Gothenburg opera this winter

This autumn, the public of Göteborg Opera has several opportunities to experience Katarina Karnéus on stage: both in the role of Fricka at Wagners Das Rheingold (first on November 17) and as a soloist in Fall Glow November 23 – concert of Russian orchestral musicians Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky, where Karneus will sing songs of Finnish Jean Sibelius, Swedish poems in lyrical tones, including Fröding and Runeberg, and GöteborgsOperans Orkester.

During the concert evening on November 23, she will receive the Svenska Dagbladet Opera Award.

– The songs of Jean Sibelius are close to my heart, especially those of Opus 37, including the famous song "The girl comes from his love" and "Be It a Dream" that I recorded on CD for the Hyperion record label with pianist Julius Drake. Now, I have the opportunity to sing these songs with the orchestra for the first time, which I am eager to say, says Katarina Karnéus.

In the spring, Katarina Karnéus will perform Santuzza in Cavalleria rusticana when given together Pagliacci at the Gothenburg Opera.

Katarina Karnéus is educated at Trinity College of Music London and the National Opera Studio. In 2015, she received the medalist Litteris an Artibus and, besides her appearances in the biggest stages of the world, she is related to the Opera of Gothenburg since 2012. In June 2018, Katarina Karnéus was named chief of the singers .

Svenska Dagbladet Opera Award Awarded since 1977. This award is a thank you for his significant contribution to opera theater over the past year, both opera and ballet / dance. The price is 25 000 SEK. It has been 40 years since the prize was awarded to a mezzosoprano.
In 2003, the prize was awarded to GöteborgsOperans Orkester.

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