Katinka Faragó plays U2 for Bergman | Gothenburg after


At 17, she started the scripta. 55 years later and 125 films later, Katinka Faragó receives an honorary gold medal for her efforts in Swedish cinema.

To waste time on rainy years and famous names, this robust and efficient professional woman would be strange. Instead, we will meet again in Budapest in 1935. The critical father of Katinka, author and editor, will be detained. Three years later, the Hungarian family managed to escape Hitler, and via Bratislava, Warsaw and Helsinki to Sweden.

Still in Budapest in 1989, she works with Kjell Gredes Bonsoir's film, Mr. Wallenberg. In detail, she tells us why the film – so horrible at the moment – was so important to do.

Everywhere she controls the situation: when Andrei Tarkovsky will burn houses in the movie Offret and everything goes wrong. When death will play chess against the knight in the seventh seal and the scene must be filmed from the back. She goes with Monica Zetterlund on the Mississippi River and goes to party with Lena Nyman and Ingrid Bergman. She is currently working on all major, from Hasse Ekman to Maj Zetterling. But most of all, his own patience seems to have been.

Last part of the program, she turns directly to Bergman for his birthday. And with the flash in her eyes, she plays the pop song of U2 (what's more) In the name of love?

Author of the summer of Sunday: Uje Brandelius, musician and journalist.

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