It is at the end of last year that Kevin Spacey, 58, was charged with the sexual proximity of actor Anthony Rapp, allegedly taking place while he was there. He was only 14 years old and Spacey was 26 years old
As part of the allegation, Spacey responded to Twitter that he did not remember the incident, but he apologized if he behaved as Rapp has described. In addition, Spacey said the first time that he was gay, something that meant criticizing moving the attention of the accusations.
READ MORE: "Yet Another Investigation Against Spacey"
After Rapp 's accusation, several men appeared with similar stories of sexual harassment. In 1965, Scotland Yard launched a third investigation against the film star
TMZ writes that he was the subject of a Scotland Yard investigation for three more cases of harassment sexual.
According to TMZ, there is also a similar investigation in Massachusetts in the United States and Los Angeles, a prosecutor considering further charges against Kevin Spacey.
After accusations against Spacey, Netflix announced broke any collaboration with the actor who starred "House of Cards", and he was also removed from the movie "All money in the world."
READ MORE: "Netflix breaks completely S Pacey"
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