Khashoggi's friends push Saudi Arabia – News


Give us Jamal so that we can bury him. So that all those who care for him and the world leader can come to Istanbul for the funeral, "said CNN Turan Kislakci, a friend of Jamal Khashoggi, who heads the Turkish-Arab media organization TAM.

After a few weeks of denial, Saudi Arabia admitted that Jamal Khashoggi had been killed at the consulate, but did not specify where his body was. According to the Saudi version, he was reportedly killed in a fight.

Jamal Khashoggi lived in exile in the United States, where he wrote columns in the Washington Post. He also criticized the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman.

Many countries and organizations have strongly criticized the actions of Saudi Arabia in this case. Now Canada is also joining the choir that does not believe in the country's explanation as to what really happened.

"Canada condemns the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as confirmed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the country's consulate in Istanbul," said Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland in a statement. She called for an in-depth investigation in cooperation with the Turkish authorities and asked officials to respond.

"The explanations are lacking in consistency and credibility," she says.

New Zealand Trade Minister David Parker condemned the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, announcing at the same time that the country was going to boycott the international conference on investment in Saudi Arabia, as many had already hoped .

Corrected: In a previous version of the article, it was stated that Saudi Arabia admitted that circumstances surrounding the death of Khashoggi were not confirmed.

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