Kristian Luuk on the divorce with Carina Berg


Kristian Luuk and Carina Berg separated two years ago.

He now says in "Karlavagnen" of P4 that he has not yet met the divorce.

– My daughter told me it was such a hard job: "Dad, how strong you will be when you've gone through this shit," he says in the program

In "l & rsquo; "Carla magnet" Wednesday, Kristian Luuk 51 years old, listened to share his skilsmässoberättelser. And the program manager recounts his experiences. Luuk suffered two separations. He describes the time after as hard.

– I have been both happy days and big days, where I hurried to get out of bed, he says in the program.

Unexpected ways.

– Both times, when I divorced, I noticed that the companion was refurbished. Some chose to go out with my exfru and suddenly no one was invited to the Easter dinner. But suddenly, other friends came from somewhere and supported me during the toughest days. My friends, I have not married for several years and I suddenly became a close friend, says Kristian Luuk.

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The Promising Future

In October 2016, Kristian Luuk and his wife Carina Berg, 40, announced that they would divorce after twelve years of marriage.

In a conversation with a listener, he gets the question of his divorce

– I would not say that, answers Luuk.

The support of the girl

Although the separation is difficult for all, he looks to the future

– My daughter told me that it was such a hard job: "Dad, how strong you will be when you've crossed this shit."

Kristian Luuk has two children from a previous relationship, and a son with Carina Berg.

Last year Berg was in association with the prostitute of football Erik Johansson . In April, the couple is engaged. Recently, Johansson, who had already played for Copenhagen, wrote to Djurgården to move to his fiancée in Stockholm.

Kristian Luuk greets the Swedish radio that he has no comment to give, more than that of the listeners' stories like

Here are the pairs that ended in 2018 00: 48


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