Last bet of Android P before the release of the new version


The fourth bet is now available as a machine image, and should come as a system update for those with Pixel phones included in the Android beta program. This year, Nokia, Sony, Xiaomi and Oneplus are included in the beta program with selected models, and these should receive their updates soon.

Unlike previous beta versions, version 4 of Android P does not seem to contain new but it is an almost finished version where most of the bugs are fixed. For those who want to be at the beginning with Android P, it's a great opportunity to jump on the beta program.

Google has kept the planned schedule for beta versions, and it will also release the final third quarter version as promised. It's not unlikely that it's in the second half of August, just like for Android 8.0 Oreo and Android 7.0 Nougat. This would allow manufacturers like Sony to launch mobile more easily before the IFA show on August 9 with the next Android version.

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