Last minute in the Mediterranean – So time affects


Summer heat, football world cup and euro animals. The Swedes have had many reasons not to leave the country in recent months, which has been noticed by travel agencies.

The summer record continues and there does not seem to be any end to high temperatures and rainy days. This pushes prices for last-minute trips so travelers can now know it. But by the way, time has not affected travel habits as much as you might think.

– Most of our trips are sold well in advance and the trips we are talking about, sold at a lower price, account for only about 10% of all our summer trips. , says Barbro Holmberg, Ving Informer.

The photo is confirmed by Apollo, Ticket and Resia – most tours are booked with a good lead and are therefore very complete despite the weather . More than 90 percent of Ving's summer trips are booked, and neither Apollo has a lot of charter trips. The fact that it is not empty on the fly to the Mediterranean can also be explained by the fact that it is not just about sun and bath. According to Ving's travel board, holidays abroad are safe, but 61% of those surveyed traveled to avoid requests and needs and 52% traveled to gain new experiences and meet another culture.

Photo: Johansen, Erik / TT

Currently, there is a good deal for trips to the Mediterranean.

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But the Swedish weather still affects travel and prices – on last-minute trips.

– Last year, we had a very rainy and cold summer home in Sweden, which meant that the demand for travel was huge – which made traveling fast and travel prices last minute relatively high. Last week, for example, the average price was down by SEK 2,000 in the same week last year, says Clara Larsson, press officer at Apollo.

This year is the opposite of cold and rain, and travelers are not so excited about booking last minute trips.

– Overall, we make about 5% fewer bookings for travelers between June and August compared to the same period last year. At the beginning of the year, we had a fairly high booking pressure, so instead of last minute bookings that were not made this year due to the sunny weather and the World Cup of soccer. The number of last-minute trips booked dropped by more than 20% from last year, "said Michael Kapil, Marketing Director of Ticket.