"Lavabomb" met a boat – 23 people were injured


A "lavabomb", big as a basketball, today met a tourist boat in Hawaii.

23 people were injured when the lava broke the roof of the boat

The mass of lava was thrown into the air after an explosion.

It was Monday night, Swedish time, like a lavaklump, as big as a basketball hitting a tourist boat just outside one of the islands of Hawaii

The so-called "lavabom" went through the roof and wounded 23 people.

1 of 3 | Photo: Department of Land and Natural Resources of Hawaii

"Lavabomben" went straight through the roof of the boat.

A 20-year-old woman was seriously injured. Three people were transported to the hospital and the others were more easily burned, according to the AP news agency.

Authorities have already warned of volcanic activity in the area and a special permit is needed to stay put. come from the active volcano Kilauea which has had several outbreaks since May

The most dangerous volcanoes in the world 00:39

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