Leif GW Persson releases board games | Evening post


Leif GW Persson and Malmö-based gaming company Alga on Wednesday released a board game "GW's Crime". According to the company behind the game there has been a huge interest in the release.

– We have had amazing licenses over the years but none of that dignity. The interest has been hugely great of all parties. Annika Furuvik, Head of Development and Marketing at Alga, 8to5.se

After the profile of crime has left the TV show "Week's Break" for TV4, Leif GW Persson is free to use his name on what products he wants.

– This is not serious. I have finished SVT and am free to launch my brand. And there are things that make me hot in my heart. Wines, among other things. There, I'm already on the market with "GW Red", he says at 8to5.se.

Requires List

Leif GW Persson's game requires "Courage, Tactical Reflection and List" according to the description of the game. During the game, a player discovers how the criminals in the game are moving in the game. plane and stop them.

The game idea comes from Alga, but the criminologist and the author have written texts, chose the name, influenced the details and approved everything.

For his participation, he received an advance from Alga, then he will regularly receive a few percent of game sales.

The game "GW Crime" is released Wednesday.

Photo: Alga


Leif GW Persson says in an interview with 8to5.se that his children and grandchildren are sitting with their cell phones.

He now hopes the game will make people drop phones and talk to each other instead. "19659002] – It would be nice if children would suddenly open when they met them We develop extreme individualism We have always warned of things that will lead to the fall of youth and these warnings have always been bad.But what I have trouble paying attention to on-screen displays, is that it leads to an esteem of it is extremely damn, "said Leif GW Persson

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