Letter of protest from Christer Sjögren to TV4


Christer Sjögren celebrates his half-century as an artist this year. All he has to do is walk to his house on Lake Vänern in Hammarö, near Karlstad, to remind him of his success. Gold and platinum dishes fill the walls. During his career, he has sold more than 13 million albums.

"So much the better" would be the climax of a festive year. But the first episodes of TV4's big Saturday entertainment did not become a triumphant dance for the dance group.

Filip Hammar summed up in Sjögren's contribution "The latest news":

"Like singing the Swedish people with platitudes". But most importantly, one of Sweden's most popular artists could read that he was insensitive and selfish.

"Little nonchig", said Charlotte Perrelli about Christer Sjögren's contribution to Louise Hoffsten's day on the program.

"He just paused, no feeling," said Laila Bagge in Rix Morronzoo about the same episode "So Better Better" last weekend.

She continued later:

"I do not think Christer thinks something bad – it's not a bad man, but I can sense that some men over fifty are." They think of them and are in the middle of the night. themselves, they are heard, they are visible and they are happy guys, they do not think "oh, so I went into the piano, maybe I'll come back a bit and I'll be attentive to others." You must know when he is, I felt that he was a little selfish and high in his skin.

Maria Brander, expressionist designer Expressen, had similar criticisms.

Christer Sjögren does not recognize the image of a man who takes up too much space and who does not listen.

"It's always possible to blacken things if you apologize," he says.

"I am not selfish, especially not now, it is forgiven that you start climbing your young and unsafe career early in your career, so I could write in my turn, I would stop not to repeat, but you then learn, during the life experience, that you gain generosity and that you incite others to appear, sing and play, to invite and invite. both parties serve and then there will be exciting encounters between artists.

He cites the example of the Viking Gale dance group.

"When we started with our dance group gala, the dance groups were very attentive to their position, but we invited the dance groups instead of playing together," said Sjögren.

READ MORE: The critics of Laila Bagge – against Christer Sjögren


The call of Christer Sjögren at TV4

But even Christer Sjögren understands that "so much the better" is not only to his advantage. Sjögren wrote a letter to TV4 after the episode last week.

– I missed TV4 and I said my opinion. I said that I thought the program was insensitive and poorly cut. I hope, because I know that they are cutting my program right now … I asked them, "I hope my program will not be deleted." I want a good, good, kind and emotional direction. "

In the first part, we could see Christer Sjögren arriving a day later than everyone else in a nice car. The biggest star of the program does not like the clip. Why? He was not late. TV4 had made it clear that he would come that day because he had concert commitments, which he had reserved before saying yes to "All the better", and on TV he was obvious that the Sjögren was excused from other artists because he had to come one day after the other.

"They cut it, and I felt as nonchalant as if I thought, 'I've been 50 years, maybe a day late, because the right people are late', but This is not the case, says Sjögren.

It may seem like a bad thing. But Christer Sjögren tells us willingly that during his 50 years of presence on stage, he has never mounted a concert without reason. He carries the statistics in the form of a medal on the chest. Plus, the expensive car was not even his.

– They said, "Can you take this car and drive here?" We compensated for a funny element. But it was the production car, he says.

READ MORE: Here are the artists of "So better better" 2018

He became active in "So better better".

If Christer is disappointed, some friends are worried. A person who has long worked near Sjögren believes that TV4 has deliberately chosen the old man as "driftkuku" of the program. He thinks it was a mistake to thank the program and what Sjögren and his advisor did not deny during the great period from 1975 to 2004, knowing that the main element of the singer is rather about scene.

Christer Sjögren received the help of Jörgen Arnemar, 71, who was the Viking manager at the Golden Age. Then people were still buying discs on gasoline trays instead of streams in the car. And the dance orchestra 's gallats have attracted as many people as the Summerbursts of today. The Vikings were so big that they had their own plane.

Jörgen Arnemar thinks that TV4 shows a correct image of his friend Christer Sjögren.

– I think so well. It was good that there is a little speed on it. It's good that it takes a little bit for something to happen and so, says Arnemar.

"They're chasing him as" leader "from the first moment, so they'll do it, he says about TV4.

"Leading" Christer Sjögren, the program's most famous artist, has not denied the "so much better" many times before. It has happened a lot in 50 years. When he began his career, the TV channels of the time, SVT1 and SVT2, did not want to know the Vikings.

– This was not good. And then, at that moment, he always danced in all the shrubs, explains Jörgen Arnemar.

Martin Nygren, executive producer of "So Better Better", does not know Sjögren's letter, but knows that the singer reacted to the latest show and its consequences. He does not think that the Sjögren has been turned into an operational kitchen of the program.

"I do not think so. I never think you've seen a Christer so amusing and relaxed," he said.

He is sad because the Sjögren perceived the element of arrival as he did.

"For us, it was for lack of time that he did not come in. There was nothing we could predict if we became so crazy and so mean.

"The car was more suited to his interest in the big car, and he's famous for his sports cars.


READ MORE: The Sjögren blew Nikki – was fooled into the live broadcast

The unknown conversation of Louise Hoffsten

Louise Hoffsten thinks one of the criticisms against Christer Sjögren is that he did not think how to reduce their recording time on Gotland for entertainment purposes.

"I'm sorry for Christer, he's laughed at me," Hoffsten said. He does not know what it looks like on TV, he does not think what it looks like on TV, he's not so conscious of it and maybe that's what's good with him. . And then it will be like that when it's cut. He does not mean anything bad. People are so much: "How do I look and what do I say" today, but it's just Christer, says Hoffsten.

She does not share Laila Bagge's criticisms of Christer Sjögren's behavior during the last program.

– I do not see it. Christer is a very hot person, she says when I read Bagge's words.

The court explains that the television cameras have missed a conversation that the singer had with her during the recording. Christer Sjögren said relatives were suffering from MS, the same illness as Louise Hoffsten. The singer talked about the role of a family member, but also of the disease.

– It did not appear in the program. It was his way of showing compassion and solidarity. I think it was a nice gesture, she said.

READ MORE: Louise Hoffsten is crying right after the interpretation

"Had never sold 13 million records if I had been a joke"

A friend describes Christer Sjögren as a mere servant who was driving a tractor today when he had no voice. But also as one of the hardest singers of northern Europe. His Christmas tour includes more than 60 concerts.

And in an interview with Expressen Christofer Brask ten years ago, Sjögren told us how important it was to manage the gift that he had received.

Hagfors having understood the work accident, he realized early on that he "had to catch the sparrows that were flying close to one.

"You have to take into account their chances of life." If I get into things, I do not just shrug and say, "It's okay." I leave nothing to chance, Slarv is the worst that I know, he says.

How does Christer Sjögren want to be featured in TV4 now when he sent his protest letter?

"The correct picture of me only," he said. They should not make me a saint, not me, but the guy who does not have a corpse in the closet Because I do not have that. I try to be as good as possible. I think that's enough if you think so. I had never sold 13 million records if I had been kidding.

What do his fans think?

"They know who I am," says Sjögren.

– They do not believe that.

READ MORE: All About Christer Sjögren


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