LHC opens to other acquisitions – LHC – Corren.se


READ MORE: Clearly: He signed for the LHC

Dan Pettersson joined Västervik from Division 1 all over Sweden and had during the last two seasons a " C "on the chest. Now, it is clear that he will play in the LHC shirt when the season starts.

– It can be really fun to follow him. He has a cruel character and is incredibly good as a human being. He shows the road on the ice and has come a long way – but it will be fun to see him in the SHL suit. He is very tall and many spoke to him because of it. It's clear that it's a bit harder with skating when you're so fat. But he gives weight to our teamwork, says Emvall

Can not that be a good compliment when there are a lot of little players in the team now?

– Yes, he is good at catching and not running away. He is rich in what he does.

Pettersson has previously signed an agreement with the Swedish club Södertälje – but he's leaving for matches in Linköping.

– I spoke to Mats (Pernhem, sports director of the SSK) and he is obviously they do not rejoice directly. But now the rules are such. I did not want to be in this chair when a top player left three weeks before the first. So it's ice hockey and that's all. There are no secrets in this way, says Emvall

READ MORE: Clear: Here's the LHC Acquisition

Even though the trophy on the paper is filled, Emvall opens to allow other players to

– We can not calculate Dan (Pettersson) as the best center of SHL. Of course, we would have entered a high level center, but now it has been a little calm on this front. There were some names that were interesting, but it was not felt in a clockwise direction. So it is better to wait for the right person, he says, and continues:

– We had to enter a center and Filip (Karlsson) was operated, which does not allow to know when he will be ready soon the departure

Do you have any ideas about who will take the central role in the second channel?

– No, we do not really do it. But both Olle (Lycksell) and "Karla" (Fredrik Karlström) played centers. So, there are several who can play center in the team setup we have now.

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