Liam Payne in conflict with Cheryl Coles ex JB Fernandez-Versini


Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole Finished

Now, there is information that the One-Direction star recently found herself with an ex-Coles husband in a restaurant.

A Dirty Payne Should Have Been Close

On Sunday, Liam Payne 24 Years Old, and Cheryl Cole 35 Announced That They Leave Separate Roads, One little more than a year after the son Bear s birth

"Cheryl and I are sad to announce that we are going to separate our paths." It was a difficult decision to make for us "We always have so much love for each other as a family," writes Payne on Twitter

.Separation rumors have been circulating in recent months. 39, it should have been turbulent at the end.

Liam Payne would have been close to ending with fighting with the extermination of Cheryl Coles Jean Bernard "JB" Fernandez-Versini last friday when they both came to visit the same restaurant in London

1 of 2 Photo: Splash News / Splash, Photos: Ca non exclusive

Source: Staff Discontinued

Cole and her ex-husband were married for 18 months before divorcing in 2016, the same year he became official that she was dating with Liam Payne.

"JB asked his friend why a guy was staring at him, then he realized that it was his ex-guy," said a source at The Sun, who thinks the star One-Direction was looking troubles. – It was very gesticulating, staggering and threatening they threw themselves between them.

The staff should have been forced to cross each other. According to the source, JB said that he did not want trouble

– It would have taken a hug, not a shot, JB said, according to the source.

However, a person in the vicinity of Paynes has another version, which means that the conflict never be close to being physically, and that noise instead shows how much Payne cares about Cole.

Cole rages after the rumors of his mother

It is still unclear why Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole separate but according to media Coles mother Joan Callaghan be the reason. Cole reacted strongly to the rumors, and on Monday she chose to comment on her Twitter.

"I hate commenting on things, especially in these difficult times, but I can not stay here and listen to such bad and fake articles that are written on my mother," Cole writes, pointing out that the mother does not want to stay here. has nothing to do with separation. "

" I am an adult woman capable of managing my life herself. This is a sweet and kind woman who does not deserve to be caught in something that has nothing to do with her. "

Here is the couple who finished 2018 00:48

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