Liljeblad enters the footsteps of Father – Sport


– It's Dad's mistake that I started with that. He left since I was small and I always thought it was cool. And then I started, "said Liljeblad with a look in the eyes.

He tells her that he was not old when he sat down for the first time on his father's skis, then, at the age of nine, he joined the Linköping Water Ski Club where he started to train in different branches. from the beginning

– He helps me a lot.We live in Norrköping and it's often him who drives me here.But he also walks around, so he also likes to have fun, says Liljeblad

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Lucas Liljeblad charges young SM on weekends

Even though the first competition at an early age may not be not the best, he now has a number of qualifications on the list.

– I have some medals from earlier Youth Championship.Last year I received a medal in hope and combined, which is the total result of all branches, meaning the 16 years old.

However, not only did dad help, but David Rosén was also significant for success. He always helped us all in the team. He is up all the time and has also disappeared since he was less. It's him who trains when you're here and you train.

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Lucas Liljeblad trains the turn of the branch

He also says that it is a rewarding sport given the good relationship between competitors and competitors. Among other things, they created a Snapchat group on social networks facing the most competitive skaters. Liljeblad says that everyone hangs out with everyone during the competitions and has a lot of fun together. A beautiful sport simply

However, the young SM expects that this weekend will be decided at the ski club of Linköping, Mörstorpsjön.

– It's the biggest competition I'm going to do this year. And it feels good. I've done the most tricks this year, so the goal is to beat my personal best and get on the podium, he says.

However, he is not alone at the Linköping club but will also compete with his teammates Alice and Jacob Nordenhed. That it is at home is something that he looks forward to. We recognize both the water and the boat.

Finally, Liljeblad notes that in the future he wants to continue skiing and having fun. At the same time, it would be a dream to win the world's biggest competition, the masters, where the best water skiers in the world would participate.

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