Linda Bengtzing wants to raise money for forest owners who have suffered from the fire


The idea is that the concert should take place this fall, but the project to deposit money for the forest owners has not even started yet. But the response of musicians and artists has been enormous, "said Linda Bengtzing.

– It's pretty crazy, I went to Piteå and I worked and found that it was this kind of response.Thanks many people who want to provide premises and want to behave.All the artists say "I want to stay hooked anyway."

Bengtzing says she's got answers from, among others, Andreas Lundstedt of Alcazar, Markoolio, Tobbe Trollkarl, Tommy Nilsson, Dinah Nah and Anna Sahlin

– It will be complicated to have money right away.

"Proud of Colleagues"

The idea is that everyone should set up conveniently and how the money will be distributed – through a medium of charitable organization or directly to landowners is not yet thought.

– I think we should be able to get at least ten ar who actually implement it. I'll do my best. It's such an answer, I'm so proud of my colleagues, says Linda Bengtzing.

The idea is that the concert will take place on a Sunday in September if everything is set up.

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