Linde believes in answers about Kubal in November – News


The future is uncertain for Kubals, about 500 employees. The company could be forced to close due to sanctions against the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is the main owner of Rusal, the owner of Kubal.

Ann Linde does not expect any message before the US elections in the middle of the year, but before November 12, when Kubal will gradually begin to close.

We hope you have achieved that you can remove Kubal's owner from the list of sanctions, "Linde told TT.

Congress has 30 days to say yes or no to that. This means that the Cubal deadline must be extended by one month, so that the suspension can be postponed in anticipation of the Congress decision.

Ann Linde herself stayed in Washington and spoke with members of the Ministry of Finance and Congress. She has constant contact and it is often said that the idea of ​​sanctions has never been that Swedish employees would lose their jobs.

But she dares not go out in advance.

We do not rely on anything until we have paper on the US Treasury Department, "Linde said.

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