List of Swedish prosecutors Janne Andersson


Tomorrow, Sweden will play the eighth final against Switzerland in the World Cup.

One expects it to be an equal story and there is clearly the possibility that it will go up to punishment.

if that's just it and co-founder Janne Andersson told us how he pleads himself for such a scenario.

– In general, it can be said that it is about recruitment as a team catch, says Andersson

. My responsibility to choose the players to perform in the form of a shootout on goal. It's my responsibility, so the players get it as much as they can.

Successful joke

In addition, Janne Andersson reveals that he will have a list ready for the game.

– I am going to rank the shooters in the team. Then we will see who is in the plane and how is the situation. We have a clear plan on how to manage it … without going into details.

Team captain Andreas Granqvist, scorer of two World Cup penalty shootouts, does not even know where he is on this list. ] – It's Janne who explains who beats and I do not know who that is, says Granqvist

A little later in the press conference, the "Granen" wondered how he would argue if , like Luka Modric yesterday, would be given the chance to punish both during the regular time and in the actual sentence. He began an answer – before Janne Andersson intervened:

– He must be shot like a shooter too …

Andreas Granqvist thought it was very amusing.

At 16:00 tomorrow, there is a send-off to the Krestovskij Stadium in St. Petersburg. The winner of the match will be opposed to either England or Colombia in the quarter-finals.

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