Liverpool extends with Salah | Aftonbladet


Mohamed Salah was a huge success in Liverpool last season.

The Egyptian is now rewarded with a new long-term contract.

The 26-year-old signed an agreement with the club until 2023.

Mohamed Salah, 26, was taken to Liverpool for the final season. And his first season can only be described as a great success.

Overall, he was scored for 44 goals in the red shirt and was perhaps the strongest reason that Liverpool joined the Champions League final. In addition, he won the shooter in the Premier League with 32 goals.

Photo: Dave Thompson / AP TT / NTB SCANPIX

For his efforts in the Merseyside Club, the Egyptian is now being rewarded with a new long-term contract. long-term contract

That Mohamed Salah is important to Jurgen Klopp, there is no doubt. Now, Salah is rewarded with a new long-term contract, which means the 26-year-old has a contract with the club for the next five years.

Klopp was clearly very pleased with Salah's new signature

– This shows two clear things. His faith in Liverpool and his faith in him, he says on the club's website.

– When a player like Mo Salah says that Liverpool feels at home, he speaks his clear language. Our self-confidence shows that we see its value and that we want it to grow bigger and that it still improves with us.

No purchase clause

Salah was linked to a move to Spain after the end of the season. But with the newly written contract, speculation over the 26 years is decreasing.

– The best thing about Mo is that he never sees himself as more important or bigger than the team. He sees that his teammates and Liverpool have helped him achieve what he has achieved individually, "said Klopp.

The new contract should include no LiverpoolEcho buyout clause. also one of the highest paid club players with Virgil Van Dijk and Roberto Firmino


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