Löfven and Guterres discuss UN in New York


Yesterday evening, the Prime Minister landed in New York – directly from Almedalen

For five days, he will be in New York and will attend a series of meetings, including at the UN headquarters and at the consulate Swedish. This morning, at 8:30, he met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres for the first important meeting

The two members of the UN Security Council met at the Backåkra Farm in Dag Hammarskjöld in March.

– Nice to meet again, says António Guterres and took the Löfven under his arm before entering the meeting room.

Ann-Sofie Näslund from Express interviews Prime Minister Stefan Löfven about the meeting

Photo: Ann-Sofie Näslund

To discuss the conflict in Syria

agenda includes an evaluation of the meeting in Backåkra. One of the objectives was to improve the working climate of the Security Council and to try to overcome the obstacles that often prevented the Council from reaching an agreement, especially when important resolutions were blocked. by the permanent veto of Member States. Even the situation in a number of countries such as North Korea, Yemen and Syria should be addressed during the 30-minute meeting.



         Here Stefan Löfven and the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Photo: Ann-Sofie Näslund


This means that the UN Secretary General António Guterres has also produced. time and another environment to speak on the board. It obviously opened another dialogue between the countries. Stefan Löfven

Stefan Löfven will also meet a number of UN ambassadors and UN humanitarian agencies, OCHA, to discuss the consequences of the conflict in Syria

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Debate on Children in the United States Conflicts

Monday, Prime Minister leads public debate at the UN Security Council In armed conflict, about 80 countries registered as speakers at the meeting.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Foreign Minister Margot Wallström is also in New York.

Sweden is the president of the Security Council in July and one of the ten temporary member states.

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