López Obrador great favorite in the presidential election in Mexico


Thousands of people are forced out of the Mexican national arena Aztekadadion where Andrés Manuel López Obrador – better known as Amlo – will have his campaign closure

– I am here to watch but I do not know. I have never been to the end of a campaign, says Gerardo Del Rio, the student to vote for the first time.

The largest support among young people

14 million voters for the first time will play a decisive role. And according to the polls, it is in this group that López Obrador has his strongest support.

– I hope for a political transformation and I will vote for Amlo because we need a strategist to solve social problems, says the first coach Dezna Áviles

Successful election campaign

A hour later, López Obrador enters the Aztekastadion as a rock star in front of 90,000 enthusiastic supporters. The campaign leader, Tatiana Clouthier, is the key person in the electoral movement.

– We are committed to being everywhere. From youtubers via traditional media to alternative channels. During this trip, I discovered the incredible diversity of social media, says Clouthier

. Compared to Bernie Sanders

Mexico is one of the most used social media in the world. And the campaign of Amlo was used to reach the young voters.

Some now draw parallels between López Obrador and other leftists who have had great success among young voters. For example, Bernie Sanders in the United States and Jeremy Corbyn in Britain.

"We represent the new"

– Imagine how it is. I am the oldest candidate. But young people with their imagination, their insurgents and their talent know that we represent the new, "said López Obrador during his speech at Aztekastadion.

– President! President, shouting at the crowd

Accused of populism

Critics of López Obrador say that he will have trouble meeting expectations because he has simple solutions to complicated problems. I ask the director of the campaign, Tatiana Clouthier, that López Obrador is populist

– It depends on what you mean by populist. Amlo himself said that if populism is concerned about the problems and the sentences of ordinary people … Yes, then it is populist.

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