Lost on the World Cup group of Sweden – picked up their underwear


Sweden could never win its World Cup, Marcus Eskilsson, 43, of Sölvesborg was sure.

So, he promised to eat his underwear if he had the wrong words that he said he had to eat.

– I thought it would have a disgusting taste, but it was not that bad, said Marcus after eating his bags Tuesday morning.

Marcus Eskilsson, 43, from Norje outside Sölvesborg, was convinced that Sweden should not win its World Cup. So make sure that he actually promised his friends on Facebook that he was going to eat his own underwear if that happened.

Fortunately, Marcus had forgotten during the joke when Sweden beat Mexico and Germany at the same time as South Korea …

– But the next day the comment was on my desk when I got to work

Chief Marcus Magnus Andersson remembered the promise

– At first I thought "jahapp, how should I escape that?"

But it was not long before Marcus took the He must keep his promise.

Then Tuesday morning, he invited P4 Blekinge home to document the event – and also contributed to the pancake.

– I had to cut the kisses into small pieces and then we mixed it in the dough.

1 of 3 | Photo: Magnus Andersson

Tasted "not so dangerous"

After fried a pancake, Marcus had time to pour it with a lot of cream and jam.

– I thought it would have a disgusting taste, but it was not so dangerous. If you did not know that there were pancakes in the pancake, you would not have reacted.

And to the big question, were the floors clean?

– Yes, it was them. He was freshly washed, said Marcus laughing.

Basically, everything that Marcus believed before the World Cup turned out to be wrong. For example, he wonders what Ola Toivonen did in the first place before the match against Germany.

– I also wrote "Durmaz has finally come in, now things will happen".

So now Marcus has learned a duty, he should not get into a lot more things. But it is a promise.

– If Sweden wins the World Cup, I will run naked through the village where I live.

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